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London, United Kingdom, 2011/06/21 - The creator of the world’s first elliptical bike, launch their new 3C model in the UK this month. This new product expands the elliptical biking category, introducing more consumers to the fun and exhilaration of the ElliptiGO experience.
By combining the best elements of cycling with the natural strides of the running motion, the ElliptiGO 3C delivers a high-performance, low-impact workout for all active adults, from casual exercisers to cross-training athletes.The 3C joins the original 8S ElliptiGO in the company’s current product line.
“We created the 3C to deliver a high-performance workout experience with less impact by combining the most popular cardio exercises—running, cycling and the elliptical trainer—into one incredibly fun to use product,” said Bryan Pate, co-founder and co-president, ElliptiGO. “The riding experience is similar to that of our original 8S elliptical bike but at a lower price point, allowing us to reach more people with this new form of exercise. We are excited to continue growing the elliptical bicycle category as well as the community of ElliptiGO riders and enthusiasts.”
The ElliptiGO 3C retails for £1,499. Key user experience elements include:
• High Performance, Low Impact—The elliptical motion of the ElliptiGO 3C closely mimics the running experience with all of the cardiovascular benefits and none of the impact;
• Comfortable Riding—Users can customize the 3C frame and stride for the most comfortable cycling experience. The telescoping steering column is adjustable to accommodate riders of heights from 5’0” to 6’8”, and the elliptical stride length can also be modified to accommodate different stride preferences and pedaling profiles;
• Handling and Maneuverability—The 3C is designed to handle and maneuver similar to a conventional road bike. Riders can steer, turn, brake and ride smoothly on both flat terrain and mild hills;
• Intuitive Movement—The 3Cis powered by an elliptical or running-like movement that most active adults are already very comfortable with, allowing new users to quickly gain confidence in riding.
Key ElliptiGO 3Cfeatures include:
• Aluminum-Based—The drive arms and frame of the 3C are made from 6000 and 7000 series aluminum alloys selected for their light weight, performance and durability;
• Customized Gearing for Performance on the Flats—The 3C is built around a Sturmey-Archer three-speed internally-geared hub that offers ElliptiGO riders who ride mostly in flat areas an ideal range of speeds. On the 3C, ElliptiGO riders can cruise comfortably on the flats at speeds of 12-15 mph or get a good training session in by pushing it to higher speeds of 20-25mph. Additionally, the three-speed gear range enables 3C riders to climb some hills (up to five percent grade inclines), making it a great workout tool in flat and gently undulating environments;
• New Color—The 3C will be available in green, black and orange. Green and black are ElliptiGO’s signature and most popular colors, while orange is a new color selected by popular demand fromElliptiGO customers who are looking for a color that is visible and safe on the road and has a sleek, high-performance feel.
“We developed the 3C to enable anyone who is looking to train primarily on the flats to enjoy a fantastic workout experience at a lower price point. We were able to achieve this cost reduction without sacrificing a high-performance workout experience by tailoring the riding experience for flatter areas,” said Brent Teal, ElliptiGO’sco-founder, lead engineer and chief product designer. “As a result, the 3C is an accommodating elliptical bicycle that can support the needs of a wide range of users, from casual exercisers to elite athletes.”
For more information about the company and its products visit ElliptiGO.co.uk/.