In a world where data analysis is an increasingly important tool in making strategic decisions, ActiFi, Inc., a software and solutions firm devoted to helping advisory firms build exceptional businesses, today announced the launch of its DecisionMark™ tool to the firms within Zero Alpha Group. DecisionMark, integrated into the ActiFi Roadmap™ business planning/execution software suite, for the first time allows an integrated wealth advisory firm to benchmark their current data against industry peers with similar business models.
“We believe that in the not too distant future all wealth advisory firms will need interactive, accessible and comparative financial data available to them in a customizable format,” said Actifi CEO Spenser Segal. “DecisionMark allows Zero Alpha Group members to get a jump start on making better business decisions, based on current, objective data.”
No longer will an advisory firm need to rely on year-old survey data to judge business performance or make decisions based on stale information. Instead quarterly, even monthly comparative financial data is now readily viewable and can be used to respond to changing business conditions.
“Economic conditions are requiring firms to access, interpret, and alter business practices based on operational information. For years, we have relied on our own in-house financial modeling and performance metrics systems,” comments Justin D. Stets, Managing Director of Carlson Capital Management and a ZAG member firm. “DecisionMark gives us a tool to make better and wiser choices within our firm. And, the technology provides incredible value for us to have a dialogue with like-minded organizations as to how we can precisely and deftly improve our business functions. DecisionMark is changing the way we deliver the client experience.”
Beyond data analysis, DecisionMark can be completely customized for the unique needs of an advisory firm. The software produces dashboard displays and customized reporting sets. This flexibility ensures that DecisionMark is extremely specific and proprietary to each advisory firm’s brand, business model options, and technology platform.
The DecisionMark interface provides for easy creation of comparative charts and data modeling. Unlike traditional benchmarking tools that provide for only the analysis of historical results in a static framework, DecisionMark allows an advisor to focus on specific data sets that correspond with strategies the firm is committed to implementing. The advisor can then quickly measure the impact those strategies are having on selected metrics.
A participating advisor can select a comparable business model within DecisionMark and utilize the aggregate financial performance data from firms with similar models. An advisor can compare and contrast their performance against peers, and because the information is dynamic in its display, it can be easily analyzed and then used to craft or modify plans or make changes to business strategies.
“Financial advisors already rely on current information to help their clients make wise investment decisions,” added Segal. “With DecisionMark, advisors finally have access to current benchmarking information so they can make wise business decisions and answer the ‘so what?’ questions related to business performance data. The information can then be used to help define actionable strategies to address the key areas a business would like to improve.”
The DecisionMark software is available to financial institutions that license ActiFi Roadmap™ or a specific Roadmap module. DecisionMark is currently being rolled out to existing institutions that license Roadmap, and by the nine financial advisory firms that make up the Zero Alpha Group (ZAG). ActiFi anticipates that additional financial services institutions will be licensing DecisionMark before year-end.
For more information on ActiFi, Roadmap, and DecisionMark, visit the website or call 763-550-0223
About ActiFi
ActiFi™ (actifi.com) is a software and solutions company that creates scalable business execution programs for the financial services industry. By implementing its proven people, process, and technology solutions based on research, best-practices, and industry benchmarks, ActiFi clients run more effective and profitable businesses.
About Zero Alpha Group
Founded in 1995, the Zero Alpha Group (zeroalphagroup.com) is an international network of independent investment advisory firms that manage a total of more than $8 billion in assets. The nine current members of the Zero Alpha Group are committed to providing objective, long-term private wealth management solutions to investors, focusing on asset allocation and a structured, quantitative approach to investing. The firms in the Zero Alpha Group network share a common philosophy about investing and client service -- a focus on passive, tax-managed investment strategies while providing an independent financial planning solution for investors.