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London, United Kingdom, 2010/04/29 - ReportBuyer.com, the online destination for business intelligence for major industry sectors, has added a new report.
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According to the report “Global Diagnostic ECG Market” the global diagnostic ECG market is categorised into three submarkets: the rest systems the stress systems and holter systems. These systems are used to measure the electrical activity of the heart. Amongst the three systems, rest system is the most widely-used diagnostic tool. The global market for rest system is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.6% from 2009 to 2014.
The 139 page report analyses and provides market forecasts and estimates for diagnostic ECG based on the three segments mentioned above. It also identifies and analyses market trends, drivers, inhibitors and opportunities in the DECG market.
The report “Global Diagnostic ECG Market” is available from Report Buyer.
Report Buyer product ID: MAK00037
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About MarketandMarkets Reports
MarketsandMarkets' reports are equipped with more than 100+ market data summary tables, in-depth segmentation up to level 5 for each of the products, services, applications, technologies, ingredients and stakeholders categories. Their reports of about 250 pages analyze about 200 patents, over 50 companies and micro markets.
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