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London, United Kingdom, 2010/03/09 - ReportBuyer.com, the online destination for business intelligence for major industry sectors, has added a new report.
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According to the report “The Global Market For Automotive Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning (HVAC): 2010 edition” the majority of consumers regard Automotive Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning (HVAC) as a 'must-have' in most segments in the major markets. Several drivers now influence both OEM sourcing and supplier development as well as production approaches, some of them conflicting.
As a result, suppliers are constantly under pressure to deliver extra functionality and reduce the price of their components and systems. This is especially true in smaller car segments. The consolidated nature of the sector, with five global players chasing a stagnating amount of business, means that small differences in price or technology can mean the difference between winning and losing new business.
Overarching those concerns are the ongoing drive, in all major markets, to improve fuel consumption and reduce emissions. The European Union has already taken action to improve this situation, and other markets may follow.
There is no doubt that CO2 air conditioning is a "greener" solution than current technology, and that it will in most forms offer superior performance. However, the expectation is that the first applications of the new technology could cost as much as 30% more than current systems.
The 60 page report says that as of the first quarter of 2006 that North America will not adopt R744 in the near future. Therefore most suppliers can expect to have to conduct business on two fronts - carbon dioxide for Europe and Japan, HFCs in North America. And the cost pressures in the sector are not expected to ease.
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