This program allows organizations using ClearCase to purchase AccuRev for less than the cost of their current IBM Rational maintenance agreement. Additionally, it provides a proven coexistence and migration strategy enabling ClearCase users to adopt AccuRev at their own pace.
AccuRev has often been described as the logical upgrade to ClearCase. It shares many concepts, including the Stream architecture with ClearCase UCM, but was architected to have native support of Streams. It also provides the tools to integrate into an existing ClearCase and ClearQuest® infrastructure.
Organizations, as a means to decrease costs and complexity while increasing productivity, are researching and implementing a breadth of new development practices, technologies and solutions in the enterprise. Management is scrutinizing the high cost of ClearCase licensing, training and maintenance, and is now more open than ever to considering solutions that increase development throughput while also saving money.
The most common reasons that dozens of companies have already transitioned to AccuRev from ClearCase are:
• The ability of AccuRev to support mixed Agile and non-Agile development environments out-of-the-box, and with greater flexibility;
• Better performance for geographically distributed development teams, especially over the WAN, with significant cost savings over ClearCase MultiSite® replication;
• A significant increase in developer productivity combined with near zero administration costs; and
• The ability to more efficiently manage componentized development for project sharing between teams using multiple platforms.
Lorne Cooper, CEO, AccuRev, said, "We expect this will be a compelling offer to customers on maintenance with ClearCase who are looking to reduce their costs and improve their productivity. AccuRev has proven productivity improvements, and with a compelling cost justification, this is the time for managers to take the upgrade plan to their purchasing decision maker. Because our business model allows us to be profitable at this revenue rate, we can provide a better product today, and share in our customers’ growth in the future."
AccuRev’s ClearCase Upgrade Program is available now until June 30, 2009. For further details, visit the website or contact AccuRev at 1-800-383-8170 (US and Canada), and 1-781-861-8700 (Outside North America).
About AccuRev Inc.
AccuRev optimizes and automates the software development process to allow organizations using Agile or other development process models to accelerate their throughput and release higher quality software. AccuRev’s flexible and efficient approach to managing the software release process together with code assets is relied on by organizations challenged with doing Agile and parallel development, transitioning to Agile development practices, or managing geographically distributed and offshore teams. AccuRev ensures greater project visibility, optimal team collaboration, and software asset reuse to deliver more software at over 30 percent faster than traditional file-based, branch and label SCCM solutions. AccuRev, the fastest growing SCCM company, is used by over 500 global enterprises including Polycom, Texas Instruments, American Airlines, Orbitz, Thomson Financial, Verizon Wireless and Lockheed Martin.
AccuRev, Inc. is headquartered in Lexington, Massachusetts and is privately held. More information about AccuRev can be found at accurev.com, or by calling 1-800-383-8170 (US and Canada), and 1-781-861-8700 (Outside North America).
Copyright © 2009 AccuRev, Inc. AccuRev is a registered trademark of AccuRev, Inc. ClearCase, ClearCase Multisite, and ClearQuest are registered trademarks of IBM. All other trademarks mentioned in this release are the property of their respective owners.