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Asean Focus Group Publishes Asian Perceptions Survey '08 - Results of a Survey into Business in South East Asia - The results of a survey on the views which Asia focussed business people hold on the business climate in Asia, with a special focus on the South East Asian markets that comprise ASEAN -
Asean Focus Group Publishes Asian Perceptions Survey '08 - Results of a Survey into Business in South East Asia


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 2009/02/12 - The results of a survey on the views which Asia focussed business people hold on the business climate in Asia, with a special focus on the South East Asian markets that comprise ASEAN -

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This survey was conducted during December 2008, with the objective to evaluate the perceptions which Australian and New Zealand business hold about Asian countries as commercial targets and business partners. It is one in an ongoing series which allow the perceptions to be monitored over time.

The survey was conducted by Glen Robinson and Mitchell Brown of Asean Focus Group. Glen Robinson is a founder and has been an executive director of AFG for over 19 years, and as such has advised and assisted many companies which wished to establish or enhance a commercial presence in Asia.

The number of participants this year was again an all-time record, giving us a lot of confidence that the results are representative of the perceptions and feelings of those who have existing or aspirations to have commercial contact with Asia. It is interesting that the results are very positive and encouraging, despite some political issues and widespread economic turmoil during the year.

The full report is available for download by clicking on the link at the end of this release (PDF format, 268KB), or by visiting the news section of the Asean Focus Group (

The key findings of the report include:
• Expansion plans: despite the adverse global financial climate, a majority of respondents of respondents are planning or considering commercial expansion in the region, with China, India, Vietnam and Malaysia perceived as the most attractive South East Asian investment locations. Indonesia has experienced a dramatic increase in attractiveness as a commercial target - and this is probably due to an extended period of political stability.

• Free Trade Agreements: there seems to be significant evidence that the expectations of the benefits of Free Trade Agreements significantly outweigh the actual benefits, possibly due to lack of education and understanding.

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Asean Focus Group Publishes Asian Perceptions Survey '08 - Results of a Survey into Business in South East Asia

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