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Genuine Trading Solutions Announces the Launch of CO2 Carbon Emissions Trading - Carbon Emissions CO2 Trading launched By CTA firm Genuine Trading Solutions in support of the Kyoto Protocol -
Genuine Trading Solutions Announces the Launch of CO2 Carbon Emissions Trading


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2009/01/08 - Carbon Emissions CO2 Trading launched By CTA firm Genuine Trading Solutions in support of the Kyoto Protocol -

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Genuine Trading Solutions President and CEO, Dwayne Strocen said today "The Kyoto Protocol and Asia-Pacific Partnership On Clean Development And Climate (APP) has taken center stage on bringing awareness to global warming. In response to compelling corporate demand, we have mandated a trading and hedging initiative to support our role as leaders in risk management for the international marketplace. The mandate for trading carbon CO2 emissions is clearly in response to global demand with sound conviction the timing of this launch will be well received."

In addition to working closely with companies to manage their emission output levels, Genuine Trading Solutions expects shortly to be announcing the launch of a CO2 Carbon Emission fund. In conjunction with key partners including the Eurex exchange, the company expects to stimulate new areas of growth by taking a firm lead in this exciting field of development. Working with Eurex is inspiring where we have seen trading growth steadily increase. October holds the new record month for Eurex with 16.666 million tonnes of CO2 trading volume.

It has been widely known that the leading signatory countries account for the greatest amount of CO2 Carbon Emission output. The European Union (EU) has demonstrated that a committed focus by both responsible government agencies and committed corporate leadership has resulted in a positive response to a truly global crisis.

Positive recent comments by President-Elect Obama and Canada's Prime Minster Stephen Harper have demonstrated renewed commitment to a North American solution to climate change. Whether we see a cap-and-trade program modeled after the EU program, or creation of an environmental tax, the outcome is yet to be decided. The public is however, expecting a committed response by these two leaders.

The use of emission credits is a complex one. Many older established companies are forced to spend considerable sums of money modernizing plants. In many instances this takes time, usually years to achieve. In contrast to new generation technologies which are not faced with up-grading facilities to comply with 1990 emission standards. Trading emission credits is a way for low emission companies such as wind farms to sell credits to benefit higher emitting companies. Trading programs ultimately aid in being a net benefit to the host country by enabling it to meet it's commitment to the APP and Kyoto Protocol Agreement."

We are pleased to extend our expertise into this exciting field of growth and share in the success of our international client base who clearly wish to be pro-active and not wait for government mandated action", says Dwayne Strocen,- President and CEO.

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Genuine Trading Solutions Announces the Launch of CO2 Carbon Emissions Trading

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Contact: Dwayne Strocen - 
416-302-6282 dstrocen[.]
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