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PRZOOM - /newswire/ - Dothan, AL, United States, 2008/12/18 - With the launch of, a new opportunity exists for Forex Traders seeking the gold standard of Forex Education.

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With the official launch of today, a new opportunity exists for Currency or Forex Traders to attain a complete and personalized education in for profitably trading in the Foreign Exchange market. Given the proper education and trading methods members of the site will become and remain profitable in today's volatile markets.

Founder and head Forex Trader Jeff Sorrells said " has been a vision of mine for a long time. During my trading career I've seen other struggling traders literally spend 3 to 5 years attempting to become profitable. They become consumed the massive tsunami of counterproductive and often over-complex strategies that flood the internet and most books. Eventually they become discouraged and give up by choice, or due to loss of capital; which is unfortunately more often the case. It does not have to be this way, the market is fairly simple, but you have to learn its language and understand the underlying logic of methods you are using to trade.

With the launch of I can now share specific details on my strategies. On the site I provide personalized coaching and structured educational resources for struggling traders wanting to get profitable, or profitable traders wanting to get to the next level."

The coaching platform gives members access to:

- An ongoing training video series for proprietary trading strategies;
- Coaching via the community forum;
- Training webinars with screensharing plus Q&A;
- Lessons on desirable trade set ups and management of failed trades;
- Video updates of current market behaviours and currency pair specific highlights;
- The ability to learn from other experienced members, share ideas, and discuss challenges;

The membership portion of the site called the Trade Kings Club fills a need, in the Forex Trading community, for trading education that goes above and beyond teaching pieced together trading concepts, but instead goes into teaching and providing a logical and profitable Forex trading framework.

Jeff added "The greatest validation of your trading method is validation by the market itself. This year, more than any in recent memory, has validated for me the fact that my methods will provide significant and consistent gains no matter what the market throws at you. As traders with a sound trading framework we are insulated from the meyham experienced by most buy & hold style investors this year.

Many new traders will make the assumption that there are secret indicators and methods that only the big banks and traders in the know have access to. This is simply not true. One can chose to either learn to trade or to chase their tail around; continuously searching for some magical trading secret."

Rather than selling traders a Holy Grail of trading, seeks to educate them from the ground up. The foundation for the educational program is that fact that your trading account equity is built, coin-by-coin, based on your skills as a trader/investor. You must have the ability to consistently find reliable ways to limit your risk while participating in opportunities that have much more reward than the risk you are taking. The secret to finding trading wealth doesn't live in some holy grail trading system outside yourself; it lies in the set of skills and degree of understanding and insight that you build within.

About provides Foreign Exchange traders with a private Forex coaching community known as the Trade Kings Club. Aspiring and experienced foreign exchange traders are coached on a semi-personal level by the site’s founder who trades for a living and mentors for personal fulfillment.

Materials are presented primarily through video, articles, and webinars, which are then supplemented with means of direct communication with your coach and other profitable traders.

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