An Atlanta-based promotional agency won a new piece of international business by leveraging the power of BootB, an online pitching engine that brings together top brands with creative brains from around the planet. Studio 101 was awarded the brief by Abrau-Durso, a prestigious Russian winery, for the design of a special-edition champagne bottle that it is producing for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.
Abrau-Durso posted its brief on BootB.com seeking creative design ideas for its special-edition champagne bottles. Via BootB, Abrau-Durso received 124 entries from people in 21 countries. The winning design submitted by Studio 101 features Russian landscape, a winter Olympic athlete on a frosted bottle and a commemorative cork.
“Working virtually through BootB was a smart business move because it allowed us to focus on Abrau-Durso’s design objectives, rather than spending time in meetings and forking out money for fancy presentations and travel costs,” said Susan Johnson, director of marketing communications for Studio 101. “Agencies have been hoping for a service like BootB that helps companies of any size conduct extend their business globally, gives the smaller guys a chance to pursue big pitches, and acts as another resource for creative talent.”
BootB works as an online marketplace that allows anyone with Web access and a creative concept – from students to soccer moms to professional agencies – to respond to the briefs posted by major companies and to be paid professional fees for their ideas. Briefs are available across 10 categories, such as advertising, marketing and design. Since the company launched in January 2008, more than 7,500 people in 116 countries have registered on BootB.com to view briefs and submit their ideas. To service the global marketplace, BootB operates in 12 languages.
“The creative disciplines are among the last to take advantage of the Web 2.0 phenomenon and it has decelerate an industry known for thinking outside of the box,” said Pier Ludovico Bancale, CEO, BootB. “We created BootB to tear down geographic and language barriers and allow companies like Abrau-Durso to find creativity in all corners of the planet. After all, there’s no rule that says a Madison Avenue agency is more creative than, say, an artist in Brazil, which is who was awarded a recent project listed on BootB.”
Several marquee international companies have taken advantage of BootB, including Lego, Disney, Peugeot and Unicef. Briefs currently open for submissions can be viewed on the site. Both brands and creatives can register on the site for free, and there is no charge to creatives to view briefs and submit their ideas.
“This experience has been like hitting a double jackpot for our business,” added Johnson. “We discovered BootB through a contact in Australia and now we’re regularly visiting the site so we can pounce on the next relevant brief. Plus, the project through Abrau-Durso looks like it’s going to lead to an ongoing business relationship.”