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Energy Consumption is Becoming Major Issue for IT Industry Says New Report -, has added a new report showing that until recently, the energy used by IT equipment has only been of minor importance to computer manufacturers and PC users
Energy Consumption is Becoming Major Issue for IT Industry Says New Report


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - London, United Kingdom, 2008/05/30 -, has added a new report showing that until recently, the energy used by IT equipment has only been of minor importance to computer manufacturers and PC users.

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Report Buyer, the online destination for business intelligence for major industry sectors, has added a new report showing that until recently, the energy used by IT equipment has only been of minor importance to computer manufacturers and PC users.

“Low Emission IT - The Internet Meets The Oil Crisis” reports that recent rise in oil and gas prices, combined with the explosion in the use of information technology in both the home and workplace, has focused attention on the energy required to process and store the megabytes of data we create and access each day.

The report highlights the challenges facing the IT industry as the focus shifts from the sheer processing power of IT equipment to the amount of energy consumed by data centres and networked PCs. One of these challenges is the steep learning curve IT managers have found themselves on as they get to grips with an array of initiatives and emission reduction schemes, as well as the new efficient technologies that vendors are bringing to the market.

The report also note that niche players in the power management software and hardware market as some of the key beneficiaries of the drive to lower energy IT related energy consumption.

Authors of the report note that both manufacturers and users of IT are faced with a bewildering array of energy management technology and emission reduction schemes and initiatives. They explain that while manufacturers are obviously interested in selling more equipment, and some are using the eco-badge to do this, there are a number of ways companies can reduce the energy requirements of their IT systems without investing in new equipment.

The report ‘Low Emission IT – The Internet Meets the Oil Crisis’ reviews a range of green computing initiatives such as Energy Star and the EU Eco-Label. Low emission IT solutions from NEC, Verdiem, Rackable Systems and Intel are also profiled in this report. The report is supplied with a copy CarbonFree’s “101 Ways To Kick The Carbon Habit” – an overview of the carbon emission reduction market, and a catalogue of 101 ways organisations can reduce their carbon footprint.

“Low Emission IT - The Internet Meets The Oil Crisis” is available from Report Buyer. For more information, see website.

Report Buyer product ID: CFR00005

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