PRZOOM - /newswire/ -
Boulder, CO, United States, 2008/02/11 - Hiring is still strong in engineering, accounting and healthcare fields, but recessionary employment trends are leaving some companies overwhelmed by a flood of applicants.
CareerSoft, a resume sourcing firm in Boulder, CO, offers an increasingly popular alternative to traditional recruiting and employer-based personnel searches. With its Candidate Search service, the company enables employers to focus on interviewing and hiring, instead of searching for qualified applicants. CareerSoft has doubled revenues annually since 2004 and has expanded its own workforce nearly six-fold, despite rising unemployment rates nationwide.
"Hiring is still strong in engineering, accounting and healthcare," says CareerSoft CEO Russ Curtis. "Eighty-five percent of the positions we're currently sourcing are in these particular verticals." According to Curtis, educational requirements for CPAs and professional engineers have reduced the number of qualified candidates, and the demand for healthcare professionals hasn't slowed at all. Companies looking to fill other mid-level positions, however, face a hiring nightmare, according to Curtis.
"Many companies can't find the right talent to fill their open positions," says Curtis. "The soft employment numbers mean that many firms with mid-level positions are inundated with hundreds of resumes from unqualified applicants." When no successful candidate emerges, companies may spend thousands of dollars on advertising or recruiting firms hoping to find the right candidate, or they simply settle for an unqualified one.
Resume sourcing takes a unique approach to finding the right talent. With Candidate Search, CareerSoft places ads for open positions on all of the major and niche job boards, searches resume databases and employs a host of other strategic online resources, to identify the best candidates for each job. According to Curtis, the company's month-long process normally results in a list of 20-40 qualified prospects, and creates a large applicant pool from which companies can recruit and hire.
CareerSoft now works with more than 800 clients throughout the U.S. Curtis attributes the company's success to his professional research staff, the extensive resources it uses to locate candidates, and its policy of passing along the resumes of all qualified candidates. "Typically, recruiters pass along one or two likely candidates. Our goal is to find all of the candidates who meet or exceed our clients' requirements."
CareerSoft has a solid working relationship with Monster.com, CareerBuilder, HotJobs, and many other niche job sites. "With Candidate Search, companies have the benefit of the best online resources, combined with professional researchers who know where to find qualified candidates," says Curtis.