After taking PASIC 2006 by storm, Hammerax™ was again the talk of the show at PASIC 2007 with new product lines including Liquicy™ and Indigo™ cymbals.
Liquicy™ cymbals yield astonishing flanging and vibrato, as well as ride qualities. “This cymbal is unparalleled in the instrument market.” Liquicy™ brand cymbals represent a quantum leap in cymbal sound. Multiple patents have been filed related to the technology used to create this new instrument.
Indigo™ multi-cup cymbals are ultra dark in tone with a super complex wash. Even greater variety comes from the multi-cup technology and a new alloy.
The multiple cups darken the overall tone but also allow variety of sound and fascinating stick definition variations. Multiple patent claims have been filed on the technology used in Indigo™ cymbals.
“We were able to sell over 100 instruments to consumers at PASIC 2007 and noticed while developing more cymbal oriented products this year we’ve found that drummers are embracing the hybrid lines more now including Boomywang®, Glass™, Culebra™ and Meanie™” says John Stannard, Hammerax president.
"All our pieces are stick playable and very tough! They are for drummers as well as percussionists," adds president John Stannard." Hammerax proceeds support T.R.A.P. and other music charities. Hammerax prices range from US $50 to $750. Video, photos, pricing and details are available at the Hammerax website.
Hammerax has filed dozens of trademarks, patents, and copyrights on their works and brands. Their bronze alloys are all cast, rolled and hand hammered in a proprietary process. "Investment in a Hammerax™ work means the acquisition of an individual work of art , signed by the artist. They are consistently beautiful in sound and look, but no two are alike." When you buy one, know that there will never be another exactly like it. says Stannard. "Our mission is to shake up ears and preconceptions."