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Turbotech, Safran and Air Liquide Validate Feasibility of Liquid Hydrogen-fueled Turbine for Light Aviation - In September 2024, Turbotech, Safran and Air Liquide completed ground demonstration testing of a hydrogen-fueled gas turbine aeroengine based on an ultra-efficient regenerative cycle and fed from a liquid hydrogen tank -
Turbotech, Safran and Air Liquide Validate Feasibility of Liquid Hydrogen-fueled Turbine for Light Aviation


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - Sassenage, Isère, France, 2025/01/13 - In September 2024, Turbotech, Safran and Air Liquide completed ground demonstration testing of a hydrogen-fueled gas turbine aeroengine based on an ultra-efficient regenerative cycle and fed from a liquid hydrogen tank - PAR: SAF | SAFRAN

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• Turbotech, Safran and Air Liquide have successfully ground tested the first liquid hydrogen-fueled gas turbine engine for the light aviation market at Air Liquide’s Grenoble Technologies Campus in France.
• This demonstration test is part of the BeautHyFuel project to explore hydrogen propulsion solutions for light aircraft. It follows an initial engine qualification test campaign in January 2024 at ArianeGroup’s Vernon site in France.
• Supported by the French Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC) as part of the country’s post-Covid stimulus program, BeautHyFuel is led by Turbotech and Elixir Aviation in partnership with Safran, Air Liquide and Daher.

This demonstration follows a first test phase in January 2024 using hydrogen fuel stored in gaseous form in order to perform an initial characterization of the engine. In this second test phase, the engine was coupled to a cryogenic (250°C) liquid storage system developed by Air Liquide to demonstrate the end-to-end integration of a propulsion system replicating all functions on a complete aircraft.

“This is a major step forward in the transition to fully decarbonized aircraft propulsion, which will be ready to fly as soon as the world mass-produces green hydrogen,” said Damien Fauvet, CEO of Turbotech. “The aim of this work was to achieve a similar energy density to a conventional Avgas or Jet A-1 fuel system, while taking account of the constraints associated with the retrofit, operability and certification of a cryogenic hydrogen propulsion solution. The project has been a complete and rapid success, thanks to a remarkable team effort by the aerospace majors and SMEs involved.”

“This second stage marks the successful culmination of the project,” said Pierre-Alain Lambert, VP Hydrogen Programs, Safran. “By coupling our technology to Air Liquide’s cryogenic storage system, which provides the energy density needed for aircraft applications, we’ve demonstrated that a complete high-tech propulsion solution with zero carbon emissions in flight is possible and that it can be directly integrated into light aircraft. For Safran, it rounds out the range of small-scale, agile exploratory projects we’ve been conducting, which are particularly valuable for addressing specific challenges in hydrogen propulsion for commercial aviation.”

Xavier Traversac, VP Air Liquide Advanced Technologies, added: “Decarbonization calls for close collaboration between the various industry players. We’re proud to be involved in this project as a recognized expert in hydrogen technologies and a partner to help accelerate innovation, thanks in particular to our test facility at the Grenoble Technologies Campus. Hydrogen is one of the key elements in the energy transition and this success is another step toward low-carbon flying.”

Turbotech, Elixir Aviation, Safran, Air Liquide and Daher formed the BeautHyFuel joint research project in June 2022. The aim of this project is to design and ground test a hydrogen propulsion system rated for light aviation and develop a methodology so it can be certified for retrofit. BeautHyFuel benefits from the unique combination of Turbotech’s ultra-efficient light turbine technologies, Safran’s expertise as an aeroengine manufacturer and fuel system designer, Air Liquide’s cryogenic hydrogen storage technologies for aerospace propulsion, Elixir’s role as a manufacturer of innovative light planes and Daher’s experience in aircraft development, certification, production and maintenance.

The BeautHyFuel project is supported by the French government through DGAC within the framework of the country’s post-pandemic stimulus program. It complements other initiatives by Safran to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of air transport.

Safran ( is an international high-technology group, operating in the aviation (propulsion, equipment and interiors), defense and space markets. Its core purpose is to contribute to a safer, more sustainable world, where air transport is more environmentally friendly, comfortable and accessible. Safran has a global presence, with 92 000 employees and sales of 23.2 billion euros in 2023, and holds, alone or in partnership, world or regional leadership positions in its core markets. Safran undertakes research and development programs to maintain the environmental priorities of its R&T and Innovation roadmap.

Turbotech ( develops and manufactures innovative regenerative cycle microturbine engines, bringing new solutions to the light aviation market in terms of reliability, emissions reductions and comfort. These microturbines are available in two engine types for aircraft: turboprops and turbogenerators. Hydrogen propulsion is a new technological building block that adds to the innovations already developed by Turbotech, combining regenerative cycle turbine technology with hydrogen injection.

Air Liquide ( is a world leader in gases, technologies and services for industry and healthcare. Present in 60 countries with 66,300 employees, the Group serves more than 4 million customers and patients. Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy. They embody Air Liquide’s scientific territory and have been at the core of the Group’s activities since its creation in 1902.

Taking action today while preparing the future is at the heart of Air Liquide’s strategy. With ADVANCE, its strategic plan for 2025, Air Liquide is targeting a global performance, combining financial and extra-financial dimensions. Positioned on new markets, the Group benefits from major assets such as its business model combining resilience and strength, its ability to innovate and its technological expertise. The Group develops solutions contributing to climate and the energy transition particularly with hydrogen and takes action to progress in areas of healthcare, digital and high technologies.

Air Liquide’s revenue amounted to more than €27.5 billion in 2023.

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Charlène Collard - Safran Press relations
P: +33(0)1 40 60 84 40 - E: charlene.collard[.]

Catherine Malek
E: catherine.malek[.]

Air Liquide - Safran Press relations
E: media[.]

Fauvet Damien - TurboTech
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Turbotech, Safran and Air Liquide Validate Feasibility of Liquid Hydrogen-fueled Turbine for Light Aviation

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