Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis is one of the world's leading suppliers of measuring points and complete systems for liquid analysis. Intelligent solutions help customers from the environmental and process industries to operate their systems safely, reliably, economically and in an environmentally friendly manner. State-of-the-art production processes guarantee consistently high quality. The competence is based on the expertise of 1,300 employees with production sites all over the world.
As part of the “STARTUP THE FUTURE” event on 23 October 2024, Baden-Württemberg's Minister of Economic Affairs, Dr Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, presented awards to three winners of the “Allianz Industry 4.0 Baden-Württemberg” competition in the “Excellence” category - including Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis. The Gerlingen-based company received the award for its high and consistent level of digitalization across the value chain and divisions.
“The award-winning SMEs once again demonstrate what digital transformation can look like in practice. The competition highlights hidden champions with holistic digitalization solutions. They are a source of inspiration and should motivate other companies to take further steps towards digitalization. Digitalization remains a decisive driver for greater competitiveness, especially for small and medium-sized companies,” emphasized Dr Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut.
Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis was recognized in the competition for its “Shopfloor Management 4.0” solution. It is not only the processes of the liquid analysis specialist that are becoming increasingly digital, but also the products themselves. Sustainability and demographic change play an essential role in the digitalization of operational processes.
“Due to our very broad product portfolio and the high variance within each product, automated and, above all, digitalized production is essential. This ensures that we can supply our customers quickly and with the highest quality,” says Jörg-Martin Müller, Vice President Technology at Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis.
Endress+Hauser Liquid Analysis not only accompanies the product on its way to the place of use, but also offers support throughout the entire life cycle. With digital service processes and remote support, rapid assistance can be offered, and action can be focused on the customer and their satisfaction.
About The Endress+Hauser Group
Endress+Hauser (endress.com) is a global leader in measurement and automation technology for process and laboratory applications. The family company, headquartered in Reinach, Switzerland, achieved net sales of more than 3.7 billion euros in 2023 with a total workforce of almost 17,000.
Endress+Hauser devices, solutions and services are at home in many industries. Customers thus use them to gain valuable knowledge from their applications. This enables them to improve their products, work economically and at the same time protect people and the environment.
Endress+Hauser is a reliable partner worldwide. Its own sales companies in more than 50 countries as well as representatives in another 70 countries ensure competent support. Production facilities on four continents manufacture quickly and flexibly to the highest quality standards.
Endress+Hauser was founded in 1953 by Georg H Endress and Ludwig Hauser. Ever since, the company has been pushing ahead with the development and use of innovative technologies, now helping to shape the industry’s digital transformation. 8,900 patents and applications protect the Group’s intellectual property.