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Datalogic Showcases the Latest Logistic Solutions At CeMAT ASIA 2023 - Datalogic will present its featured and latest products, technologies, and solutions at CeMAT ASIA 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC), on October 24-27, 2023 - /
Datalogic Showcases the Latest Logistic Solutions At CeMAT ASIA 2023


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - Shanghai, China, 2023/10/20 - Datalogic will present its featured and latest products, technologies, and solutions at CeMAT ASIA 2023 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center (SNIEC), on October 24-27, 2023 - / ISIN: IT0004053440

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Join us at HALL W1 B5-2, where Datalogic will showcase its products, technologies, and solutions of identification, handheld scanners, and mobile computers, confirming its leading role in the delivery of data-driven solutions.

Visitors will be able to find an extensive live demonstration of several products and technologies capable to address the most demanding requirements of data collection and real time tracking applications, typical of the Transportation and Logistics market. A conveyor installed in the booth will be equipped with our latest MFDS advanced solution that enables automated data collection for non-conveyable parcels, to track and measure items as they move through the warehouse and onto the carrier.

It will showcase the AV900, a high-performance industrial imager that, thanks to its powerful 9 MP CMOS sensor, will allow to provide users with 60% additional coverage compared to the widely used 5 MP cameras. Putting this into perspective for wide areas, users can achieve the same coverage with 2 AV900 cameras as with one 5 MP cameras. Images are captured in HD quality and can be saved in multiple formats for video coding and OCR.

The demo will also feature the AV7000, a camera system able to deliver 360-degree high-speed package intelligence to any material handling system with conveyors, tilt trays, and cross belt sorters. With superior optical performance, the AV7000 is the cornerstone of any identification solution designed to manage package identification for distribution centers, parcel facilities, and warehouses worldwide. From boxes and parcels to flats and polybags, the AV7000 based solutions array guarantees superior performance on high-speed conveyor systems, ensuring the best efficiency for material handling solutions.

To provide a more complete picture of the Datalogic technological solutions for the T&L market, the booth will also showcase the DM3610, a compact, overhead dimensioning unit that automatically measures the length, width, and height of packages as they are transported on a conveyor. The self-contained dimensioner is designed for simple installation and enables a range of applications across multiple markets including parcel, warehousing, and distribution. The DM3610 is certified for Legal-For-Trade and its highly accurate measurements make it the perfect solution for spatial management applications. In the 2-head configuration, the DM3610 can provide dimensions for both irregular and cuboidal objects. Used in conjunction with barcode scanners and scales, the DM3610 improves operations for systems such as AS/RS, trailer cubing, manifesting, and revenue recovery.

Visitors will also be able to see how traceability applications can be solved with the Matrix™ 320 high-performance imager, which consists of high-performance image-based ID scanners, designed for industrial 2D imagers applications in Manufacturing and Logistics industries. The Matrix 320 5MP is the new image-based barcode reader developed by Datalogic to solve traceability applications in Intralogistics, Distribution Centers, 3PL, E-commerce, Retail Logistics, and Shop floor/Factory Automation.

Datalogic ( will also present Data Capture products such as the PowerScan™ 9600, the top-performing industrial handheld scanner with an ultra-rugged industrial design and extended and modular connectivity. The PowerScan 9600 cordless scanners feature Datalogic’s Wireless Charging System eliminating battery contacts and therefore removing a key point of failure for devices used in industrial and retail environments. Moreover, the 9600 Auto Range series adds extended-range scanning capabilities for applications at different working distances typically in the warehouses, boosting productivity while reducing total solution costs.

Any enterprise that processes goods or sells goods needs to maintain a warehouse, large or small, and manage the goods coming in and coming out. A mobile computer allows you to scan items, add quantity, location and other relevant information, load them into the WMS (Warehouse Management System) database, and update and track them in real time. The Skorpio™ X5 XLR mobile computer offers a choice of linear imager, standard 2D imager, Mid-Range imager, and the unparalleled 2D near-far high-performance Extra-Long Range (XLR). The innovative Extra-Long Range imager is perfect for any application where the same device needs to seamlessly read codes at different distances, up to 20 m.

Customers are invited to visit Datalogic HALL W1 B5-2 and talk with our product managers, sales executives, and other senior managers.

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Datalogic Showcases the Latest Logistic Solutions At CeMAT ASIA 2023

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