PRZOOM - /newswire/ -
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, 2023/08/11 - On November 13 and 14, 2023, specialty chemicals company LANXESS will host a two-day “Food and Biomolecules Symposium” at its corporate headquarters in Cologne and at Chempark Leverkusen - Lewatit.com / LANXESS.com. FRA: DE Frankfurt: LXS
• Two-day event in Cologne and Leverkusen;
• Exciting insights into innovative resins and technologies;
• Progress and sustainability hand in hand.
The focus will be on technical training, which will include up-to-date information on ion exchange and adsorber resins from the Lewatit product family (lewatit.com). In addition to the use of the resins for the recovery, purification and processing of sugar solutions and other food ingredients, the treatment of biomolecules from fermentation and extraction processes, for example pharmaceutical and cosmetic active substances and ingredients, will also be presented. The speakers will be Dr. Nadja Hermsdorf and Dr. Jenny Böttger both technical marketing managers in the Liquid Purification Technologies (LPT) business unit.
Attractive insights into theory and practice
On the first day, participants will gain insights into the company’s latest developments in the two subject areas. These are the treatment specifically decolorization and demineralization of sugar solutions and the isolation of a wide variety of biomolecules. These include amino acids, oligo- and polypeptides, polysaccharides and O- and/or N-sulfonated glycosaminoglycans (mucopolysaccharides), but also alkaloids, vitamins and antibiotics. Both strands will be further explored in parallel lectures in the afternoon. In each case, established and new resins for these applications will be presented and their specific properties and advantages explained.
Speakers and other LANXESS experts will also be available for individual discussions throughout the event. There will also be ample opportunity for networking, especially at the joint dinner.
The second day of the symposium will be devoted to tours of Chempark Leverkusen. In small groups, visitors will gain an insight into the work of the application technology and quality control laboratories, as well as research and innovation at LPT. Examples of test methods for specific resin parameters, equipment for laboratory synthesis and topic-specific application technology tests will be presented.
Sustainably produced resins on the rise
The aspect of sustainability is also playing an increasingly important role in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors. Dr. Stefan Neufeind, Head of Technical Marketing at LPT, will address this explicitly with his presentation on sustainably produced ion exchange resins at the beginning of the symposium. LANXESS offers sustainably produced resins under the name Scopeblue. They consist of more than half renewable raw materials or have a carbon footprint that is less than half that of the equivalent product made from conventional raw materials. Such products help users achieve their own sustainability goals. At the same time, their use is a marketing argument and purchase incentive for customer products.
Further information
LANXESS charges a fee of EUR 250 (day 1 including dinner) or EUR 350 (day 1 including dinner + day 2) for participants of the symposium. Detailed information on the program and the opportunity to register are available online.
Detailed information on the products of the LPT business unit can be found on the website. Further information specifically on sustainably produced ion exchange resins can be found in the brochure “Sustainably produced ion exchangers small, climate-friendly resin beads”
LANXESS (lanxess.com) is a leading specialty chemicals company with sales of EUR 6.8 billion in 2019. The company currently has about 14,400 employees in 33 countries. The core business of LANXESS is the development, manufacturing and marketing of chemical intermediates, additives, specialty chemicals and plastics. LANXESS is listed in the leading sustainability indices Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI World and Europe) and FTSE4Good.
Forward-Looking Statements
This company release contains certain forward-looking statements, including assumptions, opinions, expectations and views of the company or cited from third party sources. Various known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors could cause the actual results, financial position, development or performance of LANXESS AG to differ materially from the estimations expressed or implied herein. LANXESS AG does not guarantee that the assumptions underlying such forward-looking statements are free from errors, nor does it accept any responsibility for the future accuracy of the opinions expressed in this presentation or the actual occurrence of the forecast developments. No representation or warranty (expressed or implied) is made as to, and no reliance should be placed on, any information, estimates, targets and opinions contained herein, and no liability whatsoever is accepted as to any errors, omissions or misstatements contained herein, and accordingly, no representative of LANXESS AG or any of its affiliated companies or any of such person's officers, directors or employees accepts any liability whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from the use of this document.