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Voith to Showcase its Drive Concepts At The SMM 2018 - Voith will be showcasing its drive concepts at the SMM 2018 in Hamburg from September 4 to 7 - /
Voith to Showcase its Drive Concepts At The SMM 2018


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - Hamburg, Germany, 2018/08/24 - Voith will be showcasing its drive concepts at the SMM 2018 in Hamburg from September 4 to 7 - / FSE: VO2A

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At the Voith booth 203 in hall A4, visitors can find out about the Voith Schneider Propeller (VSP), the Voith Inline Thruster (VIT) or the Voith Linear Jet (VLJ). Voith will also be presenting its electronic control system with the interactive iVSP 2.1 application as well as new service concepts for all its drive systems.

• VSP, VIT and VLJ as the innovative basis for individual and sustainable drive solutions;
• Customized development of service packages and greater efficiency through retrofit measures;
• Voith at the SMM 2018 in Hamburg at booth 203 in hall A4 with daily expert forum.

“Over the last decades, our propulsion systems have proven effective particularly in very challenging environments. In almost all situations, consistently reliable and precise maneuvering is possible. Nevertheless, we are continuing to improve and refine our propulsion systems to be able to offer our customers maximum efficiency and sustainability. At the same time, customized servicing concepts and preventive maintenance are becoming increasingly important to our customers. Our new service concepts enable our propulsion systems to be used even more economically over their entire life cycle,” says Andreas Amelang, Senior Vice President Marine Business, referring to the highlights of this year's Voith exhibit at the SMM.

The VSP: A proven solution for innovative vessel concepts
Efficiency, reliability and safety are the hallmarks of the VSP, which combines propulsion and steering in one unit. Visitors to the SMM will also have the opportunity to experience the latest version of the interactive iVSP 2.1 application and test various VSP-driven vessels under realistic conditions. The Voith booth will also feature a unique ship's model driven by the VSP: the innovative CARROUSEL RAVE TUG (CRT).Two of these CRTs, Multratug 32 and 33 operated by Dutch towing and salvage specialists Multraship B.V., recently went into service. Voith has developed this new kind of tugboat in collaboration with R. Allan Ltd. (RAL) and Novatug B.V. Typical of the CRT is the towing winch arranged on a steel ring that can rotate freely around the tug's deck house the actual carrousel towing system. The special design of this system eliminates the risk of capsizing under tow load, allowing the safe use of the hull for creating lift to get force on the tow line. It also means that a slender hull design is safely possible. This slim, highly efficient hull form is subsequently achieved by two Voith Schneider Propellers (VSPs) arranged along the longitudinal axis. The CRT thus maximizes the safety and efficiency of towing operations whilst at the same time significantly reducing emissions. The two tugs Multratug 32 and 33 are the large version of the CRT, with an LOA of 32 m. The partners Voith, R. Allan and Novatug intend to come up with a full line-up of the CRT in various sizes and are currently already working on the medium version of the CRT that will have an LOA of 28 m.

Voith Linear Jet (VLJ) and Voith Inline Thruster (VIT): The ideal propulsion systems for yachts
The VLJ stands out for its consistently high efficiency at high and low speeds. The characteristic features of its design are compactness, low-noise and ease of maintenance. It also offers a reduced draft that makes it especially attractive as main drive for yachts.

The VIT operates without shaft and gears and has a RIM-driven propeller powered by a permanent-magnetic electric motor. This minimizes vibrations and noise while at the same time making the drive very powerful and responsive, offering a maneuvering system that is absolutely ideal for use in yachts, as numerous satisfied customers worldwide confirm.

Individual service packages and integrated concepts
To avoid costly vessel propulsion system downtimes, Voith offers its customers a wide range of tailored service solutions for its VSP, VIT and VLJ propulsion systems. Every service plan that Voith develops in collaboration with the customer is tailored precisely to the respective application. VIT offers a good example of the benefits this offers: RIM drives from market leader Voith are used in a wide range of vessels, for example in an OSV like the Kroonborg, which supplies offshore platforms and wind farms in the rough waters of the North Sea, and can be precisely positioned thanks to the VSP and VIT propulsion concept. Experts from Voith work closely with vessel owners worldwide on an ongoing basis to develop customized concepts for servicing and maintenance to avoid unscheduled downtimes and additional costs.

Daily expert forum with Dr. Dirk Juergens
In 2018, the Voith booth will once again feature daily forums, panel discussions, product presentations and best practice examples. Dr. Dirk Juergens, Head of Research & Development Marine Business, will join with vessel operators and acknowledged experts from the shipbuilding industry to discuss the current requirements for maritime propulsion systems as well as efficient and environmentally friendly concepts. The presentations followed by discussion sessions will take place from Tuesday through Thursday at 2:30 PM and on Friday at 11:00 AM at booth 203 in hall A4.

More information about Voith’s activities at the SMM 2018 in Hamburg can be found online at

About Voith
Voith Turbo, a Group Division of Voith, is a specialist for intelligent drive solutions, systems and comprehensive services. Customers from highly diverse industries such as oil and gas, energy, rail and commercial vehicles, ship technology, mining and mechanical engineering rely on the advanced technologies and solutions-driven expertise of Voith Turbo.

Voith ( is a global technology group. With its broad portfolio of systems, products, services and digital applications, Voith sets standards in the markets of energy, oil & gas, paper, raw materials and transport & automotive. Founded in 1867, Voith today has more than 19,000 employees, sales of € 4.2 billion and locations in over 60 countries worldwide and is thus one of the largest family-owned companies in Europe.

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