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Chestertown, MD, United States, 2017/12/15 - Cambio WiFi is calling on Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai to defer the upcoming Open Internet ruling to assess the impact of its proposed rules on small broadband providers such as Cambio and the customers they serve - CambioWiFi.com.
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Cambio WiFi (Cambio), a fixed wireless Internet service provider (WISP), is calling on Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai to defer the upcoming Open Internet ruling to assess the impact of its proposed rules on small broadband providers such as Cambio and the customers they serve.
While Cambio supports an Open Internet, the organization is concerned that the FCC may adopt rules that would increase disclosure and reporting burdens on small businesses that provide Internet service (Cambio) in rural regions throughout the United States.
This would constitute a reversal from minor regulation to unnecessary regulations, without any record of bad behavior warranting new regulations. The increased costs of compliance and the enforcement risk that small ISPs would face would not benefit consumers, who would be forced to help pay for the increased costs.
“We hope that the FCC will consider the negative impact by acting too quickly without assessing the entire industry,” said Stephen J. Kirby, Jr., Cambio’s President & Founder.
“The FCC ruling lumped all internet providers into one category which could leave citizens and businesses in rural America without broadband service due to the cost of regulatory encumbrances.”
“By putting regulations in now could set precedence for future rules and regulations”
About Cambio
Cambio WiFi (cambiowifi.com) a fixed wireless internet service provider who is providing the most reliable LTE wireless broadband internet service in Rural America utilizing high speed fiber optics and state-of-the-art equipment.
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Contact: Stephen J Kirby Jr - CambioWiFi.com
410-779-9876 kirbys[.]cambiowifi.com