PRZOOM - /newswire/ -
Kerry Newtown, Powys, United Kingdom, 2017/06/02 - An image optimisation service dedicated to difficult or complex images, pictures or illustrations. As explains Irene Silberstein, director of iSkiv Ltd, image errors may hinder both website performance and visibility.
"Many people comment about image optimisation and SEO but few people tackle the tasks it needs" says Irene Silberstein, Director and consultant for iSkiv Limited. " iSkiv.net Design and e-Business website just launched a presentation of our image optimisation service in itsOptimisation section.. She adds: "I have an article in project to discuss in details how to deal with image optimisation."
She explains: "Our service is dedicated to difficult or complex cases, images, pictures or illustrations created in an improper way. In reality, each time we do a website audit, we find some or many image errors that hinder the speed and performance of the website or make it impossible for search engines to fully index". Explaining further, Irene adds "When clients commit such errors, they don't know how to get rid of them. Most of the time, when a business demands an audit, the marketing team confronts with bad ranking in search engines. They tried various SEO recipes but do not get the result they wanted. Then, they begin to look for solutions tailored to their needs."
Irene Silberstein continues: "When undertaking an audit, we typically conduct optimisation within the frame of our audit work. We use a creative approach and conduct extensive testing. Once our audit has provided the results we need, we first report to tell our client our findings and explain the issues they will have to solve. And she adds: "For images, we mostly do the optimisation work ourselves. Also, we strive to educate the people who work with graphics for our client, so they understand what the web constraints are. We design tailored solutions and create the necessary training material to explain which steps to perform. This is true as well for other optimisation tasks," closes Irene.
iSkiv Limited is an information and Internet consulting firm delivering web design and development services, as well as marketing services. Created in 2005, Irene Silberstein and Rachel Hageman manage iSkiv Limited.