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The Physiological Society and Wiley Renew Partnership - John Wiley & Sons and The Physiological Society have announced the renewal of their publishing partnership for a further 10-year term, building on over thirteen years of collaboration - /
The Physiological Society and Wiley Renew Partnership


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - Hoboken, NJ, United States, 2017/04/19 - John Wiley & Sons and The Physiological Society have announced the renewal of their publishing partnership for a further 10-year term, building on over thirteen years of collaboration - / NYSE: JWa, JWb

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The renewed partnership will ensure The Society’s journals, The Journal of Physiology and Experimental Physiology, continue to develop as world leaders of physiological research.

John Wiley & Sons and The Physiological Society have announced the renewal of their publishing partnership for a further 10-year term, building on over thirteen years of collaboration. The renewed partnership will ensure The Society’s journals, The Journal of Physiology and Experimental Physiology, continue to develop as world leaders of physiological research.

“The Society’s journals have built a reputation for excellence and quality. Protecting and building on this long-standing reputation was central to our decision to continue our partnership with Wiley”, said Professor David Eisner, President of The Physiological Society.

Professor Eisner continued,“We are pleased that Wiley values not just our journals themselves but also appreciates physiology as a vital biomedical discipline. Physiology is important because it forms the basis of our understanding of life and underpins advancement in treatment of disease. The Journal of Physiology and Experimental Physiology showcase the latest research in this important area. Physiology is an exciting and dynamic field of science and the breadth of topics covered in our journals is a real strength of both the discipline and the publications. Our in-house editorial and peer-review staff have a strong working relationship with Wiley’s publishing team. It is this strong partnership that will ensure our journals stay at the forefront of innovation in a time of rapid evolution in academic publishing.”

“We are delighted to be continuing our collaboration with The Physiological Society to work with The Society and journal teams to further develop their high-standing journals. It is an incredibly exciting time in research publishing as the research system grows and becomes more complex increasingly globalized, collaborative, personalized and driven by technology and open science developments. Evolving expectations for journal content, combined with the strong partnership of Wiley and The Physiological Society, will provide a wealth of opportunity for the journals ahead. We are proud to be their publishing partner, working to facilitate faster and more effective research discovery", said Mark Allin, President and CEO of Wiley

The Journal of Physiology, one of Wiley’s most downloaded journals with published papers from over 40 Nobel Laureates, publishes the latest research from across the discipline, with the aim of developing understanding of the principles and mechanisms that govern our bodies. Published since 1878, and ranked as ISI’s top-cited physiology journal (over 50,000 citations in 2016) the journal’s international editorial board is led by Editor-in-Chief Kim Barrett, Distinguished Professor of Medicine at UC San Diego, USA.

Experimental Physiology, edited by Professor Mike Tipton of University of Portsmouth, UK, publishes research that provides novel insights into homeostatic and adaptive responses. Its coverage includes applied physiology and extreme physiology.

Wiley has supported the journals’ roles as opinion leaders with recent new initiatives including the journals’ change in submission system, transition from HighWire to Wiley’s Anywhere Article as the version of record, iOS and Android apps, the development of The Physiological Society publications website and a new physiology taxonomy.

About the Physiological Society

As the largest network of physiologists in Europe, with academic journals of global reach, The Physiological Society ( continues its 140 year tradition of being at the forefront of the life sciences. The Society brings together scientists from over 60 countries and its members have included numerous Nobel Prize winners from Ivan Pavlov to John O’Keefe. The Society publishes the latest developments in leading scientific journals The Journal of Physiology, Experimental Physiology and Physiological Reports, and supports those working in the field by organising world-class scientific meetings and offering grants for research and teaching.

About Wiley

Wiley (, a global company, helps people and organizations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Our online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, combined with our digital learning, assessment and certification solutions help universities, learned societies, businesses, governments and individuals increase the academic and professional impact of their work. For more than 200 years, we have delivered consistent performance to our stakeholders.

Tags: The Journal of Physiology and Experimental Physiology

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