• New catalyst controls carbon monoxide emissions in natural gas power plants when sulfur is present;
• Innovation addresses market need for catalysts designed for today’s variable natural gas supply.
Camet™ ST sulfur tolerant oxidation catalyst builds on the company’s standard Camet oxidation catalyst technology, while also improving the ability of the catalyst to perform in the presence of most forms of sulfur contamination.
“The natural gas supply has become more variable with the inclusion of fracked and biogas components, resulting in significant deactivation of emission control catalyst systems,” said Ying Wu, General Manager of Clean Air for BASF. “Oxidation catalysts have shown to deactivate very quickly in the presence of sulfur. Therefore, we developed, tested, and are now launching Camet ST sulfur tolerant catalyst to handle very high levels of sulfur with minimal deactivation.”
In extended full-scale trials, BASF Camet ST sulfur tolerant catalyst maintains performance while the competitive catalyst rapidly deactivated. Camet ST is currently deployed in several commercial units where sulfur contamination previously resulted in excessive downtime and frequent cleaning.
“Our breadth of catalyst experience encompasses virtually every make, model and turbine configuration,” Wu said. “Our R&D, application engineering and project engineering expertise contributes to maximum performance of Camet ST sulfur tolerant oxidation catalyst in both new source applications and as a replacement catalyst in existing applications.”
About BASF’s Catalysts Division
BASF’s Catalysts division (catalysts.basf.com) is the world’s leading supplier of environmental and process catalysts. The group offers exceptional expertise in the development of technologies that protect the air we breathe, produce the fuels that power our world and ensure efficient production of a wide variety of chemicals, plastics and other products, including advanced battery materials. By leveraging our industry-leading R&D platforms, passion for innovation and deep knowledge of precious and base metals, BASF’s Catalysts division develops unique, proprietary solutions that drive customer success.
About BASF
At BASF (basf.com), we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. The approximately 114,000 employees in the BASF Group work on contributing to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every country in the world. Our portfolio is organized into five segments: Chemicals, Performance Products, Functional Materials & Solutions, Agricultural Solutions and Oil & Gas. BASF generated sales of about €58 billion in 2016. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (BAS).
Contact: Cesar F. Garcia
P: +1 732-535-0534 - E: cesar.f.garcia[.]basf.com.