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Arkadium Invents InHabit - A Dynamic Editorial Product Built to Innovate the Newsroom - Contextual and interactive storytelling delivered at scale for the first time -
Arkadium Invents InHabit - A Dynamic Editorial Product Built to Innovate the Newsroom


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - New York, NY, United States, 2017/03/07 - Contextual and interactive storytelling delivered at scale for the first time -

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Arkadium, the company innovating visual, interactive content for more than 450 of the world’s leading publishers, today announced the release of InHabit, its new “dynamic editorial” technology.

InHabit’s patent-pending technology reads any article and automatically inserts an interactive editorial unit designed to both engage the reader and factually and functionally extend the article it appears on. The dynamic editorial units which the company calls “factives” are conceived and written by Arkadium’s in-house editorial staff and utilize artificial intelligence and big data sets to populate with contextual content. Each unit can serve potentially infinite variations of data.

“The way consumers are digesting the news has changed. Our publishing partners told us that they wish they had the expertise, resources and bandwidth to create more interactive and visual stories for their readers so we built a product to do just that.,” said Arkadium CEO, Jessica Rovello. ”We believe that InHabit will innovate the newsroom as efficiently as possible, by allowing journalists to do their best work while having their articles supported by the interactive, visual data that their readers love.”

How it works:

• InHabit uses AI to automatically “read” any page and understand what the article is about, including taxonomy, sentiment, meaning, timeframe and more.
• It then embeds from its library a relevant dynamic editorial unit called a “factive.”
• That factive is populated by data relevant to the subject of the article drawing from potentially unlimited information on everything from sports statistics and entertainment news to finance and government reports.

All content generated is relevant, sophisticated, timely and brand-safe.
Two months of beta testing have shown that more than 17% of users who view a factive click on it, with users completing 1.6 factives per session. And users who click a factive have a 100% increase in session duration.

InHabit is the latest offering in Arkadium’s line of in-article solutions designed to elevate audience attention, engagement, and strengthen brand loyalty, as well as optimize revenue streams for publishers.

“Today’s newsrooms are constantly getting directives to produce content that is more visual and interactive, but journalists don’t always have the technology or expertise to execute that themselves,” said Arkadium’s editorial director, Ben Widdicombe, a working journalist with 20 years’ experience. “InHabit is a tool that will complement their existing work while hitting the requirements like mobile optimization and engagement that their editors are demanding of them.”

For more information about InHabit, visit:

About Arkadium
Since 2001, Arkadium ( has worked with more than 450 of the world’s leading publishers, from giants like Time Inc, Gannett (USA Today, etc) and tronc (Chicago Tribune, LA Times, etc), to CNN, The Washington Post, TMZ properties and more. Arkadium’s suite of publisher solutions improves on-site audience attention, engagement and retention, increases reader loyalty, and drives new revenue. Arkadium is headquartered in New York City with an additional office in Russia, and was named 2016’s “Best Workplace” by Inc. Magazine.

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Arkadium Invents InHabit - A Dynamic Editorial Product Built to Innovate the Newsroom

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