Karpowership, part of the Turkish energy group Karadeniz Holding, has placed an order for a total of twelve 18V 51/60 engines with a capacity of 18.9 MW per engine with MAN Diesel & Turbo. Six of the engines are to be delivered during the remainder of this year, with a further six at the beginning of 2017. An additional framework agreement sets out the conditions for the acceptance of another 48 units.
As with previous orders, the engines will be deployed in the Powership fleet of the Turkish business. For this purpose, ballast transporters, heavy transport ships and barges are converted into floating power stations, under their trademark name “Powerships”. Apart from the engines, MAN will also deliver the control and automation equipment for the floating power stations, as well as further system and electrical hardware.
MAN (mandieselturbo.com) and Karpowership (karadenizholding.com) have been teaching power stations to swim since 2009. “This is a crucial order for our company from a very important customer. We are connected to Karpowership through a long-lasting partnership, and we are proud and happy to be able to further contribute to the Powership concept with our technology. The Powerships provide electrical energy in areas where it is urgently needed, and thereby help to alleviate pressing energy shortages,” says Wayne Jones, Member of the Executive Board for Global Sales and After Sales at MAN Diesel & Turbo.
“Our engines will be used in various ships, and operated with either Natural Gas or Heavy Fuel Oil,” adds Alexander Stöckler, Senior Vice President MAN Diesel & Turbo and Global Head of Sales Power Plants. “We will already deliver some of the engines as Dual-Fuels, with others being supplied with a simple option to convert to gas.”
“Not only does Karpowership place high demands on the quality of engines and control systems, but also in particular on the service and after-sales offerings and competences of its engine supplier,” adds Stefan Eefting, Senior Vice President MAN Diesel & Turbo and Head of MAN PrimeServ Diesel in Augsburg.
Karpowership is the only company worldwide which operates a complete fleet of Powerships - at present, the active fleet comprises a total of nine ships, offering a power capacity range between 30 and 470 MW. A further 22 Powerships are currently being built. The new ships, also fitted with MAN engines, will be used all around the globe: “Powerships mean flexibility,” explains Dr. Tilman Tütken, Vice President MAN Diesel & Turbo and European Head of Sales Power Plants. “The areas of deployment will be in various parts of Europe, Asia, South America and Africa.”
Two ships from the fleet with MAN engines are currently in use in Lebanon, stabilising the energy supply of the capital city, Beirut. Since spring 2013, the Karadeniz Powership Fatmagul Sultan has been feeding into the distribution network of the capital city, with a capacity of around 203 MW. It is driven by eleven MAN V51/60 18-cylinder Dual Fuel engines. Karadeniz Powership Orhan Bey is also anchored off Lebanon.