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Innovative Social Networking App - Pointgenie 1.0 Released for iOS - Pointgenie, LLC is pleased to announce the release of Pointgenie 1.0, the company's new social networking app developed exclusively for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices -
Innovative Social Networking App - Pointgenie 1.0 Released for iOS


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - Bloomfield, NJ, United States, 2016/05/13 - Pointgenie, LLC is pleased to announce the release of Pointgenie 1.0, the company's new social networking app developed exclusively for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices -

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PointGenie is a new, innovative and unique mobile app designed to provide guest statistics in local night clubs, lounges, events and other social hangout spots in real-time. This cutting edge mobile app is an invaluable resource for finding the perfect social gathering spot based on statistics such as the total number of attendees and the mix of men and women that are attending places around you.

Pointgenie also allows the execution of sophisticated searches and users can finally connect with each other easily and effectively. Other features include instant messaging, dating services, venue reviews and event announcements. No more wasting time, money and visiting out-of-favor places. Get to the hot spots at the right time. With PointGenie, meet nearby people who share common interests and collectively have a great time.

The app offers a new way to create real-time engagement between people and places. The service provides a different level of rewards and perks that will benefit both parties. Venues can advertise, reward regular customers, and reach more visitors while cutting their marketing costs significantly (in many cases over 90 percent).

PointGenie is one of the hottest start-ups right now and there is tremendous opportunity to work and grow with PointGenie. The company is aggressively investing in its future and is looking for investors to share the opportunity. PointGenie welcomes all levels of interest including prospective partnerships.

The market for location-based service (LBS) apps offering engagement services is growing significantly. According to Markets and Market, the overall market is expected to grow from $11.36 billion in 2015 to $54.95 billion by 2020, at a CAGR of 37.1%. PointGenie is positioned to capture a meaningful share of this enormous and rapidly expanding market.

Founder Eric Azcona bring a wealth of sales knowledge, business management and financial expertise to the table, which positions this venture to achieve its ambitious goal of changing the game of social experiences/engagement, as well as creating enormous economic value for stakeholders in its franchise.

Eric Azcona CEO & Founder stated "A good idea is born out of necessity or at least it was on that cold winter night of 2014. How do you know where to go on any given night, without ridicule from your friends on what is supposed to be a promising-fun-filled night? On the way to NYC, I was faced with that same challenge. How would i know what venues were on and poppin' that night and where everyone was? Who should I call to get the 411 on each location, at that very moment? I wanted to know where the party was at and not risk a long drive, only to find myself in an empty and boring spot. That is how the genie came out of the bottle."

If you're 18 years old or older and are interested in improving your social life and experiences, this app is for you. Whether you're a college student, single, married or a business professional, you'll be able to utilize PointGenie app to find the coolest places or provide excellent dining accommodations to your business client.

Device requirements:
• iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
• Requires iOS 7.0 or later
• 21.3 MB

Pricing and Availability:
Pointgenie 1.0 is free and currently exclusively through the App Store in the Social Networking category; the desktop site, mobile site and business dashboard along with the Android app will also be available in upcoming months. So, download the app today and enjoy it. Let PointGenie show you where to go!

Based in Bloomfield, New Jersey, Pointgenie LLC is a technology software company founded in 2014. A variety of well skilled developers make up the core development team. All Material and Software © Copyright 2014-2016 Pointgenie LLC. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iPhone, iPod and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Other trademarks and registered trademarks may be the property of their respective owners.

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Innovative Social Networking App - Pointgenie 1.0 Released for iOS

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Contact: Eric Azcona - 
201-667-3125 ericazcona[.]
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