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Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands, 2015/08/28 - EMCM is supporting the production of Reniale - a personalised treatment for renal cancer - in partnership with VCC Medical NV.
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European Medical Contract Manufacturing BV (EMCM) recently renewed its partnership with VCC Medical NV to support the production of Reniale® - a personalised treatment for renal cancer. EMCM supports the production of Reniale® by aseptically processing cancer tissue from the patient’s tumour into a biological medicine, which stimulates the immune system to fight against residual cancer cells.
Developed by VCC Medical NV, Reniale® is capable of significantly prolonging a patient’s life by helping to prevent metastases after the removal of the kidney or parts thereof. EMCM (emcm.com) supports the production of this revolutionary cancer treatment by aseptically processing the tumours at its ISO and GMP accredited cleanroom facilities as per VCC Medical NV’s strict requirements.
“Choosing the right partner is of the utmost importance in the sensitive field of personalised medicine manufacturing. We are happy to have contracted EMCM, a well-established and reliable partner capable of meeting our specialised needs. With great confidence we are facing a fruitful future to reach the common aim, which is serving a well-tolerated treatment to patients with a life threatening disease,” said Dr. Rueggeberg, Delegate of the Supervisory Board of Vaccentis AG, the parent company and sole owner of VCC Medical NV.
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