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Spectris to Acquire Microcal - Spectris plc (“Spectris” or the “Company”) announces that it has signed an agreement to acquire the MicroCal™ business from GE Healthcare Life Sciences -
Spectris to Acquire Microcal


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom, 2014/06/04 - Spectris plc (“Spectris” or the “Company”) announces that it has signed an agreement to acquire the MicroCal™ business from GE Healthcare Life Sciences - LSE: SXS

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Spectris plc (“Spectris” or the “Company”), the productivity-enhancing instrumentation and controls company, today announces that it has signed an agreement to acquire the MicroCal™ business from GE Healthcare Life Sciences. The acquisition is subject to regulatory approval and certain other closing conditions. The business generates approximately $30 million of sales per annum. Other financial terms remain confidential.

Microcalorimetry instruments have wide usage in drug discovery, with new applications in biomolecular research of particular interest. Within Spectris, MicroCal will retain its key location in Northampton, Massachusetts and will become an integral part of our rapidly expanding portfolio of life science analytical solutions providing additional critical mass in this market.

Eoghan O’Lionaird, Business Group Director, said: “The purchase of MicroCal is in line with Spectris' established acquisition strategy and provides a strong strategic fit for Malvern Instruments. Combined with the acquisition of NanoSight Ltd in September 2013 and our increased R&D investments, this addition to our Materials Analysis segment will provide additional solutions, support and customer channels across life science research and development.”

Contacts: Richard Mountain / Susanne Yule, FTI Consulting
P: +44(0)20 3727 1340

Spectris plc ( is a leading supplier of productivity-enhancing instrumentation and controls. The Company’s products and technologies help customers to improve product quality and performance, improve core manufacturing processes, reduce downtime and wastage and reduce time to market. Its global customer base spans a diverse range of end user markets. Spectris operates across four business segments which reflect the applications and industries it serves: Materials Analysis, Test and Measurement, In-line Instrumentation and Industrial Controls. Headquartered in Egham, Surrey, England, the Company employs approximately 7,600 people located in more than 30 countries.

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