PRZOOM - /newswire/ -
Beirut, Lebanon, 2014/05/19 - CCT International announced today the issuance of U.S. Patent 8,725,466, entitled System and method for hybrid solid and surface modeling for computer-aided design environments - CCTintl.com.
The patent is the first to be issued to CCT in 2014.
The application of the patent relates to computer-aided design (CAD), and more specifically, to methods of modeling environments and objects.
The hybrid method which combines the modeling features and rules of solid modeling and the performance abilities provided by surface modeling, altogether is designed to provide efficient memory usage and advantageous run time performance. Those methods and systems are directed to structures that represent objects and rendering of the objects.
The development of those conventional technologies pertaining to CAD and model acquisition usually require massive data sets, entailing a huge memory size for storage, consequently presenting challenges to system developers that use highly interactive 3D applications. During the process of generating information that is required to draw graphics and objects, the features will lose their original design topology and various capabilities.
However, the patented hybrid solution fills this gap by providing a high quality performance to alleviate and overcome these issues.
“Our approach is to semi merge these two forms, surface modeling and solid modeling by preserving the properties of the drawings. With this method we can render 3D graphics at frame rates as high as 60 fps'.” said Rami Santina, one of the patent co-inventors.
CCT International believes that the issuance of the aforementioned patent is a substantial evidence to demonstrate the company's continuous innovative behavior and congruence with the latest technologies that support the growth of CCT International.
Moreover, Rayan Jreij, C3D’s Product Manager and also the patent’s co-inventor, stressed the importance of listening to junior staff, accepting their thoughts and helping them to expand their ideas. He mentioned this in relation to how the patent's innovation evolved from the ideas and challenging views of Santina, who was a junior staff member many years ago.
By the same token, CCT’s Chairman and one of the co-inventors, Zuhair Haddad, went on to say that,“Everyone has an equal chance to innovate and contribute positively to the company. We believe this is key to producing further innovations in our products and services.”
For additional information about C3D, visit CCT International website.