FuturENERGY & FuturENVIRO bring a fresh outlook to technical magazines, one that focuses on the reader and the advertiser, a wholly new design, up-to-date and dynamic information, unparalleled international distribution and new tools and technologies to optimise advertising investment.
Rapidly becoming the benchmark publisher of Projects, Technologies and News in the energy and environmental sectors, with emphasis on our international coverage, use of new technologies and direct contact with the sector as our key differentiators, both publications provide a powerful media platform.
FuturENERGY & FuturENVIRO provide information to developers about the companies best suited to carry out their projects, and for suppliers the specifications of on-going projects, with particular attention paid to those markets with the greatest business expansion possibilities.
With 10 issues a year of each publication providing full coverage of everything going on in the relevant sectors and a comprehensive editorial program, technical articles, market reports on specific technologies and special plant reports, all important editorial aspects are covered, thanks to which sector professionals will be kept abreast of the latest news.
The Futur magazines are also available online where you can find the most comprehensive, rigorous and updated information about everything going on in the international markets.