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Custom Bucket Seats Announces Launch of Online Store for Softball - CBS is the leading provider of customizable rotating bucket seats. The bucket seats are currently being used for softball and baseball but hunters, fishermen, Irish folk dancers and others have uses them as well. Sit in style. Show your pride
Custom Bucket Seats Announces Launch of Online Store for Softball


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - Signal Hill, CA, United States, 2012/07/03 - CBS is the leading provider of customizable rotating bucket seats. The bucket seats are currently being used for softball and baseball but hunters, fishermen, Irish folk dancers and others have uses them as well. Sit in style. Show your pride.

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Softball is the largest participant sport in the United States and more than 40 million Americans play softball at least once a year. The Amateur Softball Association (ASA) has more than 240,000 teams in the United States and they are only one of several associations supporting fastpitch softball.

Softball coach Chris Burke needed to find a way to catch his daughter, a pitcher, without wrenching his back and decided to come up with a better way of doing things. Traditionally coaches sit on buckets with fixed lids which are OK for the knees but don’t allow for side-to-side movement. Chris created the Rotating Bucket Seat as a way to warm up pitchers while having the mobility to get the balls that go wide.

The seat fits on any standard four, five or six gallon buckets, the kind found at any home improvement store, hardware store or paint shop. What makes the CBS seat unique is the fact that it can be embroidered with names and/or logos, making it a truly one of a kind product. CBS has sold more than 1,000 customizable rotating bucket seats via word of mouth and now we’re proud to announce the launch of our online store.

“Coaches go crazy for the custom bucket seat,” said Jason Reed, CBS’ Marketing/Sales Manager. “We get calls from all over the country who call to order seats embroidered with the name of a coach and the logo of their team. Those who already know about us love us and our goal with this online store is to put a bucket seat in every dugout, snack shack and bullpen in North America.”

CBS has supplied custom seats to youth leagues, traveling teams, high schools and colleges throughout the United States. People love the rotating bucket seat not only for its comfort and ease of use but also for the look. The seat is made from heavy-duty pack cloth, the type backpacks are made from, and is currently available in six different colors with more choices coming soon.

Customers can choose from seventeen fonts, sixteen thread colors and five stock logos or they can send in their logo for a truly one of a kind seat. It makes a great coach’s gift and one that’s guaranteed to be used and remembered for years to come.

CBS recently launched their league fundraising program as a way for groups and organizations to earn 10% on every seat sold using their unique promo code. Checks are sent out quarterly and unlike chocolate, cookie dough, wrapping paper and other fundraisers our program offers year round income with absolutely no headache and no product to store or hand out to players.

CBS will provide the league/group with a digital flyer to pass out to their players as well as a banner ad for their website.

Softball isn’t the only market CBS is focusing on. The rotating bucket seat can be used for baseball, youth soccer, hunting, fishing, Irish folk dancing and more. CBS offers quick turn around and sends out proofs before creating a seat to make sure the customer is completely satisfied.

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Custom Bucket Seats Announces Launch of Online Store for Softball

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