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Knutsford, Cheshire, United Kingdom, 2012/05/11 - UK advertising copywriter Mike Beeson has embarked on a campaign to revive the importance of creative concepts in both online and offline marketing - Buzzwords.ltd.uk.
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Mike's Manchester-based copywriting agency, Buzzwords Limited, was established in the 1980s when creative concepts – aka visually-related marketing ideas – were at the forefront of every advertising and marketing campaign.
"I feel strongly that online communication has lost something along the way," says Mike. "I'm convinced that re-visiting this proven formula would provide huge benefits.
"There's already been a definite resurgence in transforming web pages into persuasive standalone pieces where the ultimate aim is to intensify the call to action and therefore improve sales conversion rates.
"What we're seeing is a return to a direct response 'sales letter' copywriting approach," Mike continued. "With Google's out and out drive for quality content, I feel it's only a matter of time before real creativity returns to the mix.
"What we have at the moment is an undue emphasis on words for their own sake. This may be fine from an SEO viewpoint, but it won't necessarily thrill or persuade the end user to take action."
According to Mike, the creative concept process involves linking a persuasive benefit-led headline with a photograph or other visual to reinforce the verbal message. The satisfying (and therefore persuasive) harmony that this creates in the mind of the reader is the ultimate 'quality' experience that Google hitherto has failed to articulate.
Keywords are currently king because they are the most easily measured element on a page for SEO purposes (the other main measurable element of course is the number and quality of inbound links that a web page and website has).
Measuring the effectiveness of a web page's creativity and how 'useful' this is in satisfying a searcher's need for information is probably not relevant. However, if the notion of 'quality' is ever going to move forward, there will have to be some means of measuring the link between quality and creativity.
This could take the form of people 'voting for' or 're-Googling' a page in such a way that it contributes towards the quality score within the total search engine algorithm. There's little doubt that 'creative quality' would make a page more 'sticky' and it would very likely reduce 'bounce' rates.
These factors are already part of Google's criteria for ranking pages. What is needed is a new way of assessing what is an exciting dimension in asserting a web page's 'value'.
Mike Beeson will be advocating this approach for all clients' web pages – as well as on Buzzwords' own website. Promoting the importance of concepts as a simple yet powerful idea should not be ignored. It made the name of advertising in the 1980s as a quasi-cultural art form that paid huge commercial dividends. This could easily be repeated profitably today.
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Contact: Nick Beeson - Buzzwords.ltd.uk
+44(0)15 6565 4023 open[.]buzzwords.ltd.uk