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Litchfield, OH, United States, 2012/04/09 - Clear Play is a water based coating developed for the preservation of rubber Poured in Place surfacing and running tracks - CenStarCoatings.com.
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CenStar Coatings Inc. announces the release of ClearPlay, a water based clear coating, specifically designed for the preservation and life extension of Poured in Place rubber surfacing and running tracks.
ClearPlay is the “green” alternative to solvent based coatings currently used. Many solvent based products contain xylene, an organic substance that is toxic to blood, the nervous system, kidneys and liver. Xylene is a flammable liquid with a flash point of 25°C (closed cup) and can be explosive when exposed to open flame, spark or heat. Conversely, ClearPlay and its cousin CoolPlay are water based coatings that are easy to apply; clean-up is rapid with soap and water.
As the economy continues to languish and budgets tighten, the demand for affordable maintenance solutions for rubber surfaces is increasing. Recreation facilities managers always need to walk a fine line of finding products that deliver results vs. products that are, or can be potentially harmful to the public and environment. Going “green” is a movement that needs to be followed whenever possible.
ClearPlay and CoolPlay are both water based products that are well below compliance of the strict California EPA Code of Regulations. Each product has a specific application - ClearPlay for life extension of early stage rubber surfacing and CoolPlay for re-coloring older rubber surfaces. In addition, CoolPlay significantly reduces surface temperatures of rubber playgrounds by reflecting the sun’s infrared light waves. Both coatings reduce surface granulation and strengthen surface integrity, thus saving budget dollars.
CenStar Coatings Inc. (censtarcoatings.com) is an Ohio based company located in Litchfield, Ohio. The company develops water based coatings for sports and recreational markets which are sold through dealers and agents.
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Contact: Jim Feterle - CenStarCoatings.com
888-796-7605 jim[.]censtarcoatings.com