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Clubs inMotion Introduces A New Corporate Program from inSHAPE Fitness - Posture + Focus + Core Strength + Flexibility = A Better Game of Golf - Introducing a revolutionary program brought to you by the experts in gym-free functional fitness. Clubs inMotion will change the way you play golf in just four short weeks
Clubs inMotion Introduces A New Corporate Program from inSHAPE Fitness


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - New York, NY, United States, 2012/04/05 - Posture + Focus + Core Strength + Flexibility = A Better Game of Golf - Introducing a revolutionary program brought to you by the experts in gym-free functional fitness. Clubs inMotion will change the way you play golf in just four short weeks.

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Your Expert Instructors:

Trey Gilbert
Titlest Golf Professional, Functional Movement Masters Candidate, & Certified Personal Trainer
Not only does Trey know how to help you swing a golf club, he can help you learn the physical mechanics behind hip rotation, back and core strength, swing power, and follow through. Through Trey's simple, natural teaching style, you will see your game improve immediately.

Joslyn Cooke
Master Yoga Instructor, Golf Trainer
Through her expert ability to help you focus and breathe properly, to her ability to strengthen your body's posture and balance, Joslyn will change the very way you view the game of golf. Her gentle, yet controlled style of flexibility training will carry through from your golf game and into your regular life as well.

The Four Week Program, Week by Week

During each of the four weeks, we deliver two in office sessions. Though the length of time varies slightly in the first and last weeks, appointments generally last 60-minutes and if preferred, can be broken into smaller segments for sub-groups.

Week 1: Getting Started

As an introduction to Clubs inMotion, the team at inSHAPE illustrates how the development of proper posture, deep breathing, focus, and core stability & strength will alter your game forever.

We also engage each member of your team to determine his/her own goals and challenges – this process is conducted through a series of online questionnaires and minimally interferes with other office commitments. During this first week, we also introduce you to strength and flexibility exercises that gently open your body up to a metamorphosis of your golf game. Your instructors work with each participant, making observations regarding posture, position, movement, and concentration.

Week 2: Posture and Strength

During the second week, we continue our work on strength and flexibility, adding second level core stability moves, postural and rotational exercises, and focus training. Participants leave their clubs at home and perform moves using the body as primary resistance, conditioning all major golfing muscles.

Week 3: Strength and Flexibility

This is the week when we bring back in the golf clubs. During our two hour-long sessions this week, we continue our work on core stability and strength. We also continue flexibility training, breathing, and postural work.

Week 4: Practice, Practice, Practice

As we begin to take to the golf course again, it's time to practice, practice, practice. We don't pull you out of the office quite yet, but we do continue to work your core and flexibility, focus, posture, and breathing. We also start the process of evaluating each person's swings. To celebrate four weeks of hard work, we head off to Chelsea Piers for an outing at the driving range.

Clubs inMotion won't elevate you to the pros, but it will change the way you view your game. For a limited time, the golf experts at inSHAPE are offering the introductory first session at NO COST!

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Clubs inMotion Introduces A New Corporate Program from inSHAPE Fitness

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