Agency / Source: Style My Nursery / C&T Group

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PRZOOM - /newswire/ - Lincolnshire, IL, United States, 2012/03/27 - StyleMyNursery released an internal analysis of 10 products and found that they were extremely competitive against much larger competitors in key retail indexes that included pricing, availability and shopper experience.

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In the big-box era, sometimes the little guy actually creates an edge. When e-commerce store officially opened last month, they were hoping to tap into a robust infant and children’s market and fulfill their mission to offer nursery decorating and baby items that are hard to find or not offered in much variety, elsewhere. Little did the Illinois-based start-up realize that they would be viable competition against some of the biggest stores in the category and even online price-aggregators.

StyleMyNursery ( randomly examined ten products from their various online store sections and pitted them up against the same product offered at Amazon, Babies ‘R’ Us and The unofficial analysis looked at key retail factors such as price, online shopping experience, and ultimately the overall availability of the product. Overwhelmingly, StyleMyNursery rose to the top on most items which ranged from a 4-oz. tube of Mrs. Meyers Sunscreen to a Dr. Seuss “Cat in the Hat” lampshade, to a Trend Lab set of padded seersucker hangers.

“When they showed me the results I was blown away,” says Kristy Tarant, one of StyleMyNursery’s buyers and new mom. “We asked if they unfairly selected or cherry-picked any of the products, but it was a completely random study and nobody expected to be such a steep savings on price. One competitor came up a lot less on a single big-ticket piece of furniture because they offered free shipping over a hundred dollars. Other than that, we were within a few cents or better value by several dollars across the board.” StyleMyNursery offers a number of online coupon codes and discount promotions through Facebook and Twitter, as do some of the other stores. The price comparison looked purely at the list price from each store and the shipping costs.

Other findings determined that StyleMyNursery offered 6 out of 10 products that industry leader Babies ‘R’ Us either did not have in stock or carry at all. On several instances, the unofficial analysis team reported that they would select an item for comparison and have to omit it from the final report because that other retailer did not have it available. Even online store engine could not locate 4 of the 10 items, which included one personalized/monogrammed piece of clothing- an extensive line of signature offerings.

“The other thing that was discussed is how much quicker it seems to be for searching, browsing, and checking-out,” added Tarant,“Amazon constantly tries to up-sell you throughout the process and confirm all sorts of personal information. The team really felt that StyleMyNursery has a smooth and pleasant shopping experience.”

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Agency / Source: Style My Nursery / C&T Group


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