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inSHAPE Fitness Partners with the Wellness Challenge - has created an office Wellness Challenge and has confirmed inSHAPE Fitness to be the official fitness expert and incorporate the PE with inSHAPE program -
inSHAPE Fitness Partners with the Wellness Challenge


PRZOOM - /newswire/ - New York, NY, United States, 2012/02/09 - has created an office Wellness Challenge and has confirmed inSHAPE Fitness to be the official fitness expert and incorporate the PE with inSHAPE program -

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PE with inSHAPE is a new corporate program designed by inSHAPE Fitness to target groups of people gathering to teach practical ways that they can incorporate simple movements into their daily lives without a gym. Within days, participants will begin to feel less fatigued and more motivated. Within a few short weeks, they may begin to lose body fat and increase their strength and balance, and if the program is sustained for a period of four months or more, the sky is the limit in terms of long-term benefits.

“At, our staff works tirelessly to channel resources and needs to low-income public schools across the country, and we created our office Wellness Challenge as a way to reward our team members for all their good work in the community. In turn, they will be healthy, in shape, and in the long run more productive in their everyday lives,” said Janette Lin, east region Vice President.

“Everywhere you go, you see, hear, and feel the effects of the modern American lifestyle. Working adults get out of bed, head to work, sit at a desk all day, sit in front of a screen all evening, and head to bed with minimal time spent moving the body,” states Kim Watkins, Managing Partner of inSHAPE Fitness.

As a result, adults increasingly deal with lifestyle conditions that diminish one's quality of life and for that matter, lead to a shortened, more painful life. Whether it's obesity, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, depression, or a combination of more than one, lifestyle-conditions cause poor health, low productivity, higher medical costs, and countless aches and pains. Adults need to stop giving in and get smart.

PE with inSHAPE is not just a workout with a great trainer. It's also not a sweaty workout session performed in the middle of other important activities. It is an instructional program designed to help participants change their approach to fitness. “InSHAPE Fitness will be heading into the office once a month to check in with the staff, outfit them with our express workouts, a GO Band™ for each member, and guide them through in office workout sessions,” confirms Kim. During each session, a different exercise routine is performed, lasting anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes.

Each group is slightly different, which is why each section of PE with inSHAPE is unique. Among the variables used or available, depending on the group, include:

1. Metrics of success, such as weight, mass measurements, body composition analysis, as well as strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance tests.
2. Use of the GO Band resistance band and accompanying workouts.
3. Development of Competition or Wellness Challenge with promotional material and prizes for winners.
4. Nutritional sessions and tips from inSHAPE's staff of food experts.

“We are excited to be joining forces with such a great organization. Knowing how important our public school teachers are to our children, we want to do as much as we can to give back and what better way than through health and fitness,” states Watkins.

About inSHAPE Fitness

Founded in 1997, inSHAPE Fitness ( has created a world where it's cooler NOT to be a member of the gym, where people can live healthy, active lives without the use of fancy equipment and without the waste of time it takes to travel to and from an exercise facility. inSHAPE works with clients to devise and deliver practical and efficient exercise programming based on logistics, abilities, goals, and schedules. inSHAPE is also the creator of the GO Band™, a portable mini-resistance band, which is revolutionizing the way people attack their in-home strength routines.


Founded in 2000 by a social studies teacher in the Bronx, is a nonprofit website where public school teachers describe specific educational projects for their students, and donors can choose the projects they want to support. After completing a project, the donor hears back from the classroom they supported in the form of photographs and student thank-you letters. Requests range from pencils for a poetry writing unit, to violins for a school recital, to microscope slides for a biology class. In the past ten years of operation, residents of 50 states and 10 countries have funded 226,000 student projects, channeling more than $100 million in resources to over 5.7 million students.

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