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Vero Beach, FL, United States, 2011/12/19 - Survey to determine the best of local businesses and services in Peoria Illinois and serve as a guide to residents and visitors - YourTownResearch.com / Bridgevine.com.
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Your Town Research, Inc. is the premier researcher of consumer opinions about local businesses in towns all across America, and has announced they will be conducting research in Peoria IL during the next two weeks. Surveys will be emailed to tens of thousands of local residents asking them to identify the best local businesses and service providers in the area. The company surveys over 50 different business categories ranging from the best accountants to the best veterinarians. Want do know where in town to get the best pizza, or the best place to get your car repaired? The survey results will tell you that and a lot more when they are published on a special website.
The survey results and the accompanying website will be valuable to residents and visitors to Peoria. The research provides a robust view of how a town's residents actually view high performing businesses and a precise picture of a business's standing in the marketplace. If you are a local resident, part-time resident or visitor in Peoria, this website guide will direct you to the most trusted and successful businesses and brands in the area, in other words, who the locals go to and trust.
The company plans distribution of the email survey which will encompass every zip code in the Peoria starting January 2012 with the results being published in late March.
About Your Town Research
YTR (yourtownresearch.com) conducts independent research on the popularity of businesses in towns throughout America. In reality, it becomes the voice of consumer choice. YTR collects data from thousands of resident surveys and other sources. The data is measured and analyzed to create an accurate representation of consumer opinions, and a quantitative insight into the complex nature of consumer preferences. The findings and rankings are not influenced by funding from any outside source. YTR is the leading research company measuring consumer satisfaction within a town for local businesses and publishing the results for public utilization.
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Contact: Mark Ballard - Bridgevine.com